july 15, 2024 - july 20, 2024 (virtual)

Hours: 9 AM - 3 PM (PST) / 12 PM - 6 PM (EST)


Sunday: Optional Introduction to the coaches and teammates

Monday: Introduction to Mock Trial & Direct Examinations

Tuesday: Cross Examinations & Objections Part 1

Wednesday: Opening Statements & Closing Arguments

Thursday: Objections Part 2

Friday: Performance Workshop

Saturday: Final Mock Trial Competition


Total Program Fee: $250/person

Payment Deadline: Check must be postmarked by July 12th

How To Pay: When you are ready to sign up, complete the google form link by clicking Apply Now.

We will send you an invoice via email with details on where to submit your check. All checks should be made payable to Mock Trial at UCI. All proceeds go to funding the Mock Trial at UCI college team!